
Hmm, did they mean to say ‘artesian’ biscuits?

Artesian biscuits? Artesian = ‘relating to or denoting a well that is bored perpendicularly into water-bearing strata lying at an angle, so that water is supplied by natural pressure’. I think they meant: Artisan = ‘a skilled worker who makes things by hand’. Thomas Editing tip: We’ve all been there! When writing anything for publication, […]

Hmm, did they mean to say ‘artesian’ biscuits? Read More »

Punctuation step 3: why the apostrophe is your friend

  Discover why the hard-working apostrophe deserves some TLC  Apostrophes are maligned and misused despite multi-tasking for us. We can’t make them study mindfulness, so a bit of effort is needed to master this code. Why bother?  ‘Everyone gets apostrophes wrong,’ I hear you cry. Well, many people still expect you get them right –

Punctuation step 3: why the apostrophe is your friend Read More »

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